Today will be a post full of photos. Sorry they do not always show true color of item.
Since yesterday was going to be the best weather day of the week, I decided to combine all my running around errands and such for that one day. It made for a long day - 6 hours of actually being gone - but thankfully I was able to get a lot of stuff done, had fun and found some great deals.
I had not been to a thrift store in over a month- since before my 2 surgeries of December. So I decided to hit 2 of my favorite thrift stores in a town nearby.
At goodwill I found some nice clothes for our granddaughter. I found 1 long sleeved top and 3 summer tops for her.
I also found 2 pairs of pants - the photo does not show it but these were both practically brand new- each of them only running about $2.49.
This was a great deal that I got - a Rapunzel pj set - it is a summer pj set - but for only $1.25 I couldn't pass it up. Especially since my granddaughter really likes Repunzel.
Here are the things that were in the back ground of the photo above:
There is an awesome dot to dot book - that has over 300 pages- it has all sorts of animals in it - one side is the dot to dot and on the page across from the dot to dot - is a page that tells about the animal. $1.00
Then there is a Christmas activity for next year. And a brand new package of some foam letters that will come in handy when I am taking care of SweetPea this summer.
I did actually find one top for me- sorry no picture at this time. Will try to take one and share it later. It is really pretty.
Not only did I hit my two favorite thrift stores, but I also went to the Quilting Store. And bought some fabric for a quilting project that I have planned. I was happy to finally get this fabric. Keep in mind that the beige fabric is not quite so light as this photo shows. I was using my flash on my phone to make a better photo but I made the fabrics look a bit off from the original colors.
Funny me thought that I had left way too early in the day and that I would have a long wait for my 1pm appointment to get my hair cut after my stopping at my thrift stores and quilt store, but I was wrong. When I left the quilt shop - I had about 10 minutes to drive across town for my appointment. And I made it just in time!
Come to find out my hair was not growing as lops sided as I had thought. My hair was at about 3 1/2 inches. It is a bit more manageable now and does not have the split ends any more.
I also hit 2 different groceries stores and got the groceries for the week. Which ended up being a good things since it looks like we may have some wintery weather by Friday, if not by the week end.
Disclaimer - what I am about to share with you - I did not get done yesterday.
These Cherry Kiss Cookies I made up for this past week end. We had a potluck to go to and I had wanted to try these cookies but wanted to try them when I knew more of them would get eaten(not just making up a batch of cookies for my husband and I to eat on). They turned out pretty good. And I did get some compliments from them, but not as much as I got on the Rocky Road Fudge that I made. Oh I also made a batch of them yesterday again. The first time I had followed the directions and had put almonds in them. But my husband had thought that he would like them even better with pecans so I got the stuff to make another batch and made them up for him once I got home from my busy day out.
This past week end I also was able to get my Block of the Month made up. Last month I had hated waiting till the last day before BOM and having to make them that day. I do not like to feel pressured into sewing.
There is another good thing that came out of getting the block done. I was then able to focus on a project that I had wanted to get working on - hence the purchase of the fabric above. So now I will have some free time to work on that project. I will be sharing about it as I work on it.
Anyway so now it has gotten colder outside and is suppose to be dropping as the afternoon progresses. I had not gotten all my stuff done yesterday - so today I had to run to town to pay my trash bill - due today. And oh my goodness - the wind is STRONG out there. So glad that I can stay inside now. Still trying to get rid of this drainage and the coughing that goes along with it. But I am trying to get back to eating more healthfully and drinking more water and hoping by doing so I can be feeling better soon.
Oh and one more thing that is exciting!
I have been looking for some of this fabric for a while. Problem was - I did not know a name of the fabric or the name of the company that made the fabric - and every time that I would type in butterfly fabric into Ebay or whatever - I would get pages and pages of choices of great butterfly fabrics but not what I was looking for. Well this week - I was looking again- and I started typing in other information with butterfly and I actually found what I was looking for. And I ordered the fabric! Yeah - now I can move along in finishing the quilt that had this fabric as the center of each block - that was the hold up. I really wanted some of the fabric for the border as well. And I had been afraid that it was just too late to get any of this awesome fabric. So I am totally thrilled to say that I have 1 3/4 yards of fabric on it's way to me. Then I will need to pick out 2 great fabrics that go with this and I will be on my way to getting that quilt done! Yay!!!

I hope you all stay warm and dry.
Have an awesome day! :O)