This photo above is probably my VERY favorite of my old photos. I wonder if anyone can guess why? Well look closely at the photo. What do you see? I see a lot of old cars and they are cool to look at but look a little closer what do you see beyond those cars? Yep - it is the Alamo! Isn't that the coolest photo ever!!?!! I was so thrilled when I came across this photo. I just wish it had a date on it so I would know exactly when it was taken.

Here is a photo of my husband's Granddad. And do you see the Alamo in the background to our right? Granddad passed away in April 2009. I am thinking he was 92 years old - close to 93. So as you can tell these photos are really old.
Well today I am going to see what I can do to get our house in a little bit better order. With all the construction going on and all - it is much more cluttered than usual. I also need to run to the post office to get some things mailed out. I hope today finds you all doing great!
LOVE these pictures! We did make it to the Alamo once while we lived there. It was VERY hot the day we were there, but it was such a neat place to visit.