There have been times in my life - I like to call them A-HA moments - when I have clearly seen God leading in my life, maybe when I finally learn a lesson that God has been trying to teach me, or when I have been watching my chickens and have learned an object lesson from them. These moments are very special, but I don't have the best memory and tend to forget lessons learned. Then yesterday I was talking with a friend and told her something and she said - that is very profound - something people write books about. Wow- I thought that was an awesome compliment. Then I thought, you know what I need to have make a book and write these things down in it that I learn. I need an A-HA Book.
There are times of clarity when I figure out a lesson that God has been trying to teach me. Yesterdays example of how God used another married lady at a store to show me that how I was treating my husband was wrong is a perfect example of things I want to write in my A-HA Book. And some of the lessons that I have learned have been so crystal clear that I remember them without any trouble at all. But there are other lessons that I have learned that I tend to forget, A great example of that is the fact that my value is not based on what the world bases value on. My value comes from God. So if I will take the time and write this lesson down in my book(and all the others as well). Then I can periodically refer back to this book and remember the lessons I have learned.
So anyway I have decide to set up a booklet and anytime I feel like I have learned an important lesson or something that I really want/need to remember - I will be writing it in my book along with a date and explanation if need be.
I have found some really pretty journals at my favorite thrift stores. It is nice to get them and only spend about $2.00 for them. The one I have chosen for my
A-HA Book has "Stand still and consider the wondrous works of God. Job 37:14" written across the top of it. I thought it was a very appropriate journal for my book.
I think another great use for this book will be when I am struggling and don't feel God's presence in my life - I can go to this book and see all the times that He has been very real to me and that will remind me of His Love and His promises to me.
Terrific idea! It will inspire you over and over. And that's a pretty book to use for such a nice thing, too. Blessings, Debra