Anyway as I was pulling these pieces out of the bag and setting up the scene I thought back to a conversation I had with a lady I know. She told me that her husband does not really believe in the Bible. He thinks of the Bible stories as just stories, like fairy tales. How sad is that? I can not even imagine not believing in the Bible. As a child I went to church and learned so many great Bibles stories. These stories helped me understand how very much God loves us and that he is there ready to guide and direct us along life's journey. That is such an awesome thought! There are many times that I think I know what is best for me but I don't see the BIG picture so I really don't know what is best for me. And I am so thankful that I believe in a god - the true God that is all knowing and all caring. Along with my belief in Him, comes Hope. Hope in desperate situations when I don't see any way that things could work out OK. But I don't see the BIG picture - only my little view of life.
In Matthew 8 starting in verse 24 - it tells that while the disciples and Jesus were on a boat crossing the sea a "great tempest arose" and that Jesus was asleep. The disciples came to Jesus to wake him up. And Jesus said to them, "Why are you fearful, O you of little faith?" See Jesus saw the BIG picture He know so much more than they knew. What is so neat about this story is that it reminds me that there are times in our lives when it seems that Jesus may be sleeping, but we have to remember it may seem as though He is sleeping but He is still there. And He is still in control. Just as He calmed the sea in Matthew 8:26, He is still capable of calming the seas in our lives today. I am so very thankful that the Bible is more than just a story.
Oh I like the concept you painted of Jesus sleeping in the boat...but yet calming the storm. He was there...we just need to call out to Him like the disciples did!