I have seen where several of the bloggers that I love to read - like The Mitford Series of books. Well I have been looking for some when I have been at Goodwill but have not ever found any. Well today I lucked out and found 3 of them. And for .25 cents for the paperback and 50 cents for the hardback copies - I could NOT pass them up. It seems I ended up with books #3,#6, and #8. Those of you that read them - correct me if I am wrong. And what is so sad is that I really think I have seen one of the books in the series before but did not know what I was looking for. So now I will continue to be on the look out for them. Wish I had have lucked out to find book #1 -oh well - I am thrilled to have found what I did.
Plus I have "The Little House on the Prairie" series to finish reading. Then I found the "Anne of Green Gables" series for $1.00 a piece so I have that series to read as well. So I will be busy for a while. Plus I am also reading "The Refiner's Fire" and the Bible as well. So I am quite busy in the reading dept. And there is a really good chance that I will find all the books - or at least the first 2 books to this series before I even get to reading them. Of course - IF I find book number 1 I might start this series next. What ever I feel is the next step for me to take. It has amazed me that God seems to lead - especially if I let him. And when I let Him lead I am always happier -in the end. Yep- I am not in denial that sometimes where God leads is painful but the outcome is well worth it. That is what I am trying to believe - I am trying to have Faith. The more I exercise it - the more I hope to have!
Well here in Texas it has gotten quite warm. Our highs for this week have been in the 90's. There has been a time here and there that it was cool enough to open up the house for a few hours and I have enjoyed that. I love to let the house air out. But it won't be too much longer till it is too warm - even at the "cooler" times of the day to open up the house.
Well I hope everyone has had a wonderful day! :o)
Hi Lisa,
ReplyDeleteI love the Mitford and Little House Books. The sofa story goes hand in hand with my post yesterday. That is why I started wating before I buy things. :)