Sunday, April 18, 2010

Our Peaceful Week-end

This week-end has gone pretty good. It has been rainy and dreary but ever so often you need a week-end like this. My son and his youth group from church went camping this week-end. The first night they stayed at a regular campsite. Then the next day a smaller group hiked out to another spot - they were wanting to get a survivor honor. We are praying God that the bad weather that looked like it was going to hit them - did not - they ended up with more of a steady rain. Something I would NOT want to do but this is my son we are talking about and he had a pretty good time. And I am glad.

This year the weather has been pretty mild. We have gotten SO much rain. So much more than usual, but along with the rain we have had cooler temperatures. So far this year we have only turned our air conditioner one 1 time and that was late in the evening just to cool us off a bit. I love weather like this. I love having the windows open and the breeze blowing through. And last
but certainly not least I LOVE the lower electric bills.

Since we have had such rainy weather - our grass has really been growing. We have mowed at least 3 times so far and it really needs it right now. But we will have to wait until it dries up some before we can. I can not wait to get it mowed and get some weed eating done because I love a freshly mowed yard. I will also need to do some weeding of my garden this week, once it dries up some though.

A lot of people have been posting photos of the beauty of Spring around them and I have really been enjoying them. This past week our purple Iris's started blooming. For some reason ours tend to bloom a little after a lot of other ones bloom in the area. I don't know why that is. And my husband found our first roses on our rose bushes in the front flower bed. A big red one and a yellow rose bud were the first two that he sweetly picked and brought to me. I had no idea that they were blooming already. Then yesterday be got another big red one. We put it in a small little vase in the kitchen window. Later in the day I was in the kitchen working and ever so often I would smell a nice smell with a bit of a lemon sent. And I just did not know what I was smelling.
Then I finally figured it out - it was the rose. It smelled GOOD.

Our bathroom remodel is coming along nicely. My husband has about 3/4th of the walls grouted. He has the tile laid on the floor - we have not grouted it yet. It will all get done we are just taking it slowly - no need to wear ourselves out trying to do it all at once. Anyway this job goes so much better if you let things dry really good in between jobs. We have also decided what our next job around here will be. We will be building a covering for our back porch. So when it rains we could go and sit on the back porch. I have always wanted a nice back porch. Our goal is to eventually enclose it with a lot of windows - so that I will basically have a sun room. It will be a great place to sit and relax, read and do my devotions.

This week end I have been convicted that I need to spend more time studying the Bible. I heard a great quote yesterday that I wanted to share with you all. Charles Spurgeon once said, " I look at Jesus Christ and the dove of peace flew into my heart. I looked at the dove and the it flew away." Isn't that just awesome? I think way too often people these days are searching for peace but it is only peace that they want - they silently say no thank you to Jesus - thinking they do not need Him. Too bad for them because the only way to get true peace is by looking to Jesus Christ.

"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. " John 14:27

May we, not put our focus on peace, but on Jesus Christ..then we will find true peace. The only kind I want. Hoping you all are having a good week end!


  1. Thanks so much for this post--and especially for the Spurgeon quote. That is a very good illustrative way of putting it! I think I will write down that quote and post it on my board right above my desk. :)


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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December 21st, I received a message from my stepmom informing me and my sister that the Alzheimer's was taking its toll on my Dad's ...