Chickens really know how to live. There is a clear balance between work and rest. A little work a little rest. They can teach me a lot of lessons - and they actually have. I love how they love to take dirt "baths" while at the same time pecking away at what is in the dirt around them. When my life is a bit stressful all I have to do is watch my chickens for a little bit and it just relaxes me. I love to have a chicken haven here in my back yard. God has really blessed us with bringing us to this piece of land that we have room to have our chickens and a garden. The garden is only small this year but we will be working slowly towards a bigger garden.
Today has been a nice day. I went walking with my Mom this morning. I was happy that I was able to get it in before my shower. That way I could feel fresh and clean the rest of the day - after my shower that is. I ran a couple of quick errands while I was out. It was nice to have those things taken care of. Then I came home and have been able to get laundry, vacuuming, sweeping, and organizing today. I really enjoy days that I am able to spend here at home taking care of our home.
I hope you all have had a great day as well!
Oh Lisa... I didn't know you had chickens--they're cute! I've been thinking about chickens again, especially since I've been reading a wonderful book called Still Life With Chickens. Not sure if I'll ever have any of my own, but they are fun to read about! Thanks for sharing your productive, restful day with us. Blessings, Debra
ReplyDeleteDebra~ I SO love my chickens. I have read your post in the past about being afraid of having them because of death. And I have to be honest - we bought 25 chickens. And we ended up with Avian pox we think and we lost 4. Well Praise the Lord - God gave us the wisdom to know what to do to clear it up so we did not lose more. It was very sad each time we lost a chicken. But the reward is so worth it for me. But if you decide not to get any you can enjoy mine. I will post photos of them ever so often.
ReplyDeleteLisa :o)
Thank-you, Lisa! I would love to share your chickens with you. I can handle that. I would be happy with that. :) Blessings, Debra
ReplyDeleteYou are very welcome Debra! :o)