My sister works full time so she does not have a lot of extra time to get to do fun things. Well ever so often she and I get to spend a Sunday going thrift store shopping. We call this trip our "Mental Health Day." And today was our day to go. We had a great time. The first shop that we really like to go to - because normally we find ALOT there - was a bust. I found 1 shirt for me and 1 for my son. And my sister found one pair of pants. Then we went to the Goodwill in that area - I had a little better luck there. I found a cream colored linen table cloth that I am hoping fits my table. It is hard to find good cloth table cloths and I really would like to have several to change between. I also found the cutest bell. It was tarnished but it was too cute to pass up for only 75 cents. It is the photo above. The photo does not do it justice. The bell is silver and the bow is brass. My husband worked really hard to get it shiny and pretty for me. I will see if maybe tomorrow I can take the bell outside and take a photo and see if the photo will do it justice.
We had been planning on going to a thrift store on the other side of the big town we were in but as we were trying to get onto the hi-way it looked like it was like bumper to bumper traffic so we decided to go straight and go a back way - that was really out of our way. But we thought it would be a lot easier. So we went straight and as we got to a stop light we noticed a Goodwill on the other side of the road that we had never seen before - this store is probably only about 6 months old. We stopped and shopped and ended up finding some really neat tops. So it ended up being exactly where we needed to go. We had a really nice time. And it is great just to be able to spend a few hours together. Now I am trying to catch up on some laundry and cleaning around here that I had let go the last couple of days with being so busy. I have the table cloth in the dryer drying and I can't wait till it gets dry so I can put it on the table and see if it will work. I am hoping!
I hope everyone had a great week end and I hope you all have a great week!
I like your mental health day activity! The bell does look special, though you say it is not the best picture!