Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Money Saving Ideas....series

 So today I want to talk about something I learned recently. It has been obvious to me that God know what was coming. He knew long before my husbands check was cut. And He has been slowly working with me in order to help this transition go smoother. 

Living on a Dime- one of my favorite youtube channels - they have a blog as well- was sharing how many people use way too much laundry detergent and dish washing soap. I have already implemented this new way and it is going well. 

I have always wondered how in the world do the containers of laundry detergent say such high numbers and yet- I knew I wasn't getting near that many loads out of them. Well it is because I have been using - probably double the amount of laundry detergent needed. They have a large cap on the bottles - and it makes it SO tempting to use too much soap. But using too much soap will probably wear out our clothes faster and also fade the fabrics faster as well. 

So what was suggested is using: 

1 Tablespoon for small loads 

2 Tablespoons for large loads 

I took a measuring spoon out to my garage and I measured 2 T. into the lid and I marked the lid with a magic marker. That way when I am pouring my soap I can keep it below that line. I think this will really help stretch out the soap I have for a good long time, which is great news. That will save me money. 

For a dishwasher - I believe that she suggested 1 T. of soap. Again the place you put the soap is about 2 times, maybe even 3 times bigger than needed - encouraging the usage of more soap than needed. 

When doing dishes by hand only about 2 teaspoons is needed - she said she uses an old hand soap dispenser and uses 2-3 squirts. 

I also decided I needed to cut back on the amount of fabric softeners that I use. I use fabric softeners because I hang all my tops on hangers to dry. I do this to help prevent shrinking. 

So there you have it - by using smaller amounts of these products they will last 2-3 times longer than before. I hope that this money saving idea helps you as you try to look after the needs of your family. 

Even though I had no idea that this pay cut was on it's way - God did and He started bringing helpful information into my life. I am so glad He cares so much for us!! 



  1. I pour my dishwasher powder into a plastic tub, and keep a tablespoon measure in the tub. No more pouring soap into the dispenser. Scooping seems easier for my family to not put in too much.


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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