Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Money saving ideas....series

 Today's money saving tip will be a short one because I really don't have a lot of time. Also I have to give my husband the credit for this one as well. So yesterday my husband and I went to HEB to do a bit of shopping. When we got to the sugar, I stopped to look at prices. I picked up a 4 pound bag of the Hill Country brand - because it was cheapest and cheaper than what I had been seeing at other stores. Then my husband looked to the shelve below at the 10 pound bags. He told me he was looking to see if it would be cheaper to buy it in the 10# bag as opposed to the #4 pound bag. I pulled out my phone and pulled up the calculator. It is very easy to figure and compare prices. I took the price of the 10# bag of sugar and divided it by 10 - then I multiplied that number by 4 to see how much a 4# bag would cost if the same price per pound as the 10# bag and sure enough the actual price of the 4# bag was more expensive per pound than the 10# bag. So we bought the 10# bag. I store what we don't use right now half gallon canning jars. So it was no problem to buy the bigger bag. When we got to the foil - the same thing happened and we went with the 200 yard container of there brand foil because it was the better deal. 

Thankfully my husband was able to get some over time for last pay period and also this one. That is one reason why we were able to go with the larger product- that cost more. So it might be more money out front but overall it is saving money. We will not have to buy foil for a super long time. And since HEB does great sales on things from time to time- I am hoping that I can catch a great deal between now and then for more foil. It really helps you save money when you buy things that are on sale. 

Speaking of sales - Albertsons had Speed Stick deodorant on sale for 99 cents. This deal was on their 1.? oz product. So yes it was small but for 99 cents it was a great deal. And it was a limit of 6 and we bought 6. We won't have to buy deodorant for my husband any time soon. It's not the normal brand that he uses but he realized that it was a great deal and was willing to use it for a while. 

So when shopping be sure to divide the price by the number of units - oz, pounds, or what ever it may be. You may be surprised at what it really a good deal and what is not. 

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