Tuesday, June 6, 2023

A New Series Coming Soon

 I will be starting a new series. This series has come by way of necessity. A very unexpected thing has happened and caused me to stop and reevaluate a few things. I am sharing this journey with you all because I am hoping that by sharing I can help others of you that may be in the same boat as we are. 

On Friday my husband and I figured out that his paychecks will be about $1400. dollars less per month. A new way they are figuring some things. I don't totally understand what it is all about but I do know that it will be $1400 less per month. And that is A LOT of money. 

Every since Friday I have been thinking of things I can do to help save us money. And slowly I am coming up with some great ideas of things that can save. Maybe not in huge ways but a bit here and a bit there and hopefully by these things to save and cutting extra spending- we will be able to continue to keep our bills paid and food on the table. 

I have been so thankful that since 2020- and the toilet paper catastrophe I have realized the importance of keeping at least 1 extra of the things we use and eat. Since 2020 - every now and then it seems like something disappears from the shelves at the grocery store. And you never know when it will be back in stock. So I have done my best to buy an extra of what ever I was buying. And now I am SO thankful I did. You never know when something will happen and you will need to have those extra things. They will help a lot with a smaller pay check. 

So todays tip is simply - stock up when you can. Especially when things are on sale - that is the best time to buy a few extra things.

Be sure and make sure that you are getting a good deal. I see people at the Dollar Tree - with baskets full and they think they are getting such a good deal. Yes - there are some good deals there - but there are also a lot of things you can get cheaper at Walmart or Aldi's. So know you prices so you just get the things that are a good deal at the Dollar Tree. 

I do hope you all are doing well. I hope that you are finding ways to save money and seeing difference. With the prices of so many things going up it has been a real challenge for many people. So be watching out for my Money Saving Series. I will do my best to keep up with them. 

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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