Sunday, March 7, 2021

My Best Deal

 This week's best deal comes from Dollar General! I have been finding that they have some pretty good deals and it is a really good idea to go there and look around ever so often! 

So again - I found out about this item from a youtuber. I just love it when people share great things they have found. I might have never noticed this great find had it not been mentioned. 

Ever since I saw it during my 9 days home because of major weather here in Texas - I have wanted one. And once we could get out - I would check out some of the stores we went to - to see if I could find something similar and I just couldn't. So I stopped by Dollar General one day last week and bought myself one!! 

When I made it to DG - they only had 4 left - 3 green and 1 blue. So they may have other colors - I don't know. But I love it. You pump it - 5 - 10 times and it has a gently mist! And you can move the little thing on the handle so you don't have to hold it down - and it easily pulls back to release. This best deal - is only $5.00!!! 

On Thursday when I was at Walmart I saw that they had something similiar but did not have the price marked - theirs was larger so I am sure it could cost more. I love the size of this one - especially with my seed starts - that I finally got planted this week! And I plan on using it to water my plants. I may have to get a second one so I can have one in the house and one in the green house! We shall see! 

Anyway sometimes my best deals are at thrift stores and sometimes at store. But to me it doesn't matter where as long as I can find some great things at great prices!! 

Have you gotten any great deals lately? I would love to hear about it! :O) 

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