Thursday, March 25, 2021

Hardening Off

One of the many activates that I have going this week is something important to do when you start seeds inside. And thankfully for a gardening group I am a part of on Facebook - I did not make a big mistake last week. 

My Kale and Swiss Chard plants were looking leggy and leaning over. I had thought I better get them planted out in the garden - then they will thrive. But thankfully before I did I noticed someone ask a question about plants needing to be hardened off ...I believe is how they phrased it. Anyway the answers were that it is very important to slowly get your plants used to being outside and in the elements before planting them into the garden. It would have been tough on my little plants to go from the comfort of my sunroom - to the elements -with out any warning. Hardening the plants - is a way of warning them of what is to come and to help them get stronger and more able to handle the changing elements that are uncontrollably outside. 

 So I am taking my plants outside every day for a few hours- the idea is to increase the time each day so that they do better and better and spend more time - then it will be time to transplant them into the ground. I will miss them being inside. It is quite easy to care for them as they sit on my shelve in the sunroom. I can go check on them easily as well.  

So thankful for the wisdom that God sends my way. 

So I may have shared this last week - if I did - sorry. But the same day that I had planned on putting my plants out in the garden- I got a text from my mom - in our conversation she told me about the possibility of strong winds over the next 24 hours or so. Another BIG negative to putting my plants out. So on the same day that I was going to just go put my plants out in the ground - not only did God send the message that I needed to harden them off - He also saved my plants from being put out in winds that blew my windmill down and also blew one of our wooden fence panels half way over! 

Praising God for the wisdom He gives. But remember - there needs to be some calm and quiet time for Him to have the ability to communicate with you. When we are in a rush all the time -it pushes Him out of the picture. He will give the wisdom - we just need to be willing to listen. 

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