Wednesday, March 31, 2021
The Beatitudes...series..."Pharisaism Still Prevalent"
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
I Could Wear That!
Monday, March 29, 2021
Hit a Snag
So I have a whole lot of stuff going on around here. There is a lot of things to do to get ready for my garden. I have my little plants growing so nicely and some are almost ready to be planted. A few others will be graduating to a larger solo cup - probably tomorrow.
As I have been working - I have had a few little surprises around here and I can't wait to share them with you, but for some reason when I send my photos to my email address - to get access to them for my blog - I am not able to open the photos. So I will have to have my husband help me with that. Not sure when that will happen. So it looks like I will be taking a few days off. I do have a great sermon to share with you. And hopefully I can get somethings for my Freebie Friday and Best Deal posts, we shall see.
Hope you all are doing well and staying safe. See you soon. :O)
Sunday, March 28, 2021
My Best Deal
Saturday, March 27, 2021
Lessons About Boats - Sermon
Friday, March 26, 2021
Freebie Friday!
Last week I went to my favorite little thrift store nearby and in their free box out front I found this cut jar/piggy bank. It is 9 inches tall. You can see where the money goes in there at the right side of the jar. It originally came with a large cork in the top of it. Sadly, the cork was not with it when I got it. But it is still a very useful jar and cute as well.
This jar was from the Crock Shop in Santa Ana, CA. The stamp on the bottom of my jar is about totally gone- but when I looked these up on Ebay - I saw a bottom stamp that was still showing up on one of the jars- and I could tell it was what had been on mine. You can find all sorts of cool things from the Crock Shop - on Ebay. Even a few of these Tax Money jars. There is one "Thyme for Saving" jar that I think is really cute.
Anyway - that is it for our Freebie Friday post. I hope you all are doing well and thriving! :O)
Thursday, March 25, 2021
Hardening Off
So I am taking my plants outside every day for a few hours- the idea is to increase the time each day so that they do better and better and spend more time - then it will be time to transplant them into the ground. I will miss them being inside. It is quite easy to care for them as they sit on my shelve in the sunroom. I can go check on them easily as well.
So thankful for the wisdom that God sends my way.
So I may have shared this last week - if I did - sorry. But the same day that I had planned on putting my plants out in the garden- I got a text from my mom - in our conversation she told me about the possibility of strong winds over the next 24 hours or so. Another BIG negative to putting my plants out. So on the same day that I was going to just go put my plants out in the ground - not only did God send the message that I needed to harden them off - He also saved my plants from being put out in winds that blew my windmill down and also blew one of our wooden fence panels half way over!
Praising God for the wisdom He gives. But remember - there needs to be some calm and quiet time for Him to have the ability to communicate with you. When we are in a rush all the time -it pushes Him out of the picture. He will give the wisdom - we just need to be willing to listen.
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
The Beatitudes...series...Jesus' Example
Jesus' Example
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Garden Tips I Wish I Knew Sooner
Monday, March 22, 2021
Transplanting Station and More
Sorry for not getting my Friday post put up. I did get a great freebie last week that I cannot wait to share with you. I will be sharing about it on Friday since I did not have time to get a post put up last week, so be watching for that.
Today I want to share just a bit of what has had me so busy lately.
As you probably know in May I had to give up a volunteering job that I loved because I value breathing fresh air. It was difficult at first but I am so glad that since that time God has led me to try and do things I may not have tried had I been busy volunteering. When doors close, God has some special doors just waiting. Up potted some tomato plants today. I have never started seeds early and inside before. Most of the time I have bought plants and gone from there. This year I have thoroughly enjoyed watching my little plants grow. God is amazing in how He created things- you can see His handiwork in all of His creation!
This year I started quite a bit of things from seeds. I started with these awesome 6 pack planters - they came with a plastic cover like a mini greenhouse. This week I had some of plants getting big enough that it was time to up pot them. So I got some solo cups. My husband drilled some holes on the bottom of them. It is a fun quick job - when you turn the stack over and drill a good amount at a time - depending on how long your drill bit is. This was a great tip I got from a youtuber. One of the many reasons I love watching youtube video's the potential to learn so much!
Something else I have learned that I would like to share with you another tip that I have learned - it is a great idea to water from the bottom - once the plant begins to grow. It helps protect the plant from getting damaged by the water and it also helps draw the roots down.
Sunday, March 21, 2021
A Twofer Post
Today is a twofer post - that is a two for one post. I am combining a Best Deal Post - with a What I Learned in the Great Snow Event of 2021!
As you all know almost a month ago - we went through a week and a half of pretty frigid temps, snow and such. Along with all of this - we also had some power outages. Some of them were planned and done on purpose some were not, like the time the power went off for 3 plus hours one evening. During this time period we learned a few things to have on hand.
When the power goes out - especially in the evening or at night - you will want light. Flash lights are nice to have but in addition to flash light- these handy candle holders are great to have on hand!! We lit these and enjoyed the lovely light that they put out!
Another great thing to have on hand are oil lamps. This is the newest one that we have - it was only $10.00 at Walmart - felt kind of cheap - especially when compared to the glass counterparts. But surprisingly it did very well!! I was very happy with it!
So if you are going to keep some oil lamps on hand - be sure and have some "Klean-Heat" this stuff is very nice. It does not put off a stinky smell like some of the other oils do. In fact, my glass oil lamps were set up and we used them a bit several years ago - but the sticky smell that they produced made me think that I might rather be in the dark than have my house stink like that. But thankfully I have learned of this awesome stuff over the last year. And bonus - you can add essential oils to this and have a lovely scent. That is what I have heard - we have not tried it yet.
So on to my Best Deal part of this post. I found a couple of useful things to have on hand.
I found this adorable candle with the cute heart cover and a cute candle snuffer, that also has hearts on it, at a local thrift store! The candle was in brand new condition and smells of cinnamon.
Snuffer~ $1.00
Saturday, March 20, 2021
Thursday, March 18, 2021
"A discouraged little girl named Ellen Harmon once had a dream of seeing the face of Jesus. The Lord was seeking to impress upon her heart the loving character of her Savior, to bring peace and to give her courage.

It seemed that some of the people in my age group or a little older than I ended up with a bit of a bad attitude about Ellen White. I didn't have a bad attitude, I just didn't know what to think. Well one night about 10 years ago I had a dream. In this dream I felt like I was lost and ended at someone's door. Mrs White answered and with a very kind smile on her face invited me in and to her kitchen where she served me cookies and a drink. I felt a closeness and love as if it were one of my grandmothers. I truly believe that smiles and closeness speaks volumes that words can't always convey.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021
The Beatitudes...series.... A Contrite, Humble Spirit
A Contrite, Humble Spirit
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
5 Things They Don't Tell New Gardeners
Monday, March 15, 2021
I think my husband enjoyed his breakfast this week!
Years ago when I worked for my Mother-in-law at her bakery - she would make kolaches. We made a special dough and we would roll the pieces of dough big enough to fit the little link in the middle- some of them we would add cheese. Then we would roll them up nice and tight so that the cheese wouldn't leak out. Well last week we had some crescent rolls in the fridge that needed to get used up so I decided to use some of our hot dogs and make up some kolaches. And I think they turned out pretty good. My husband has taken a couple to work each day for his breakfast. Anyway I thought it was a pretty good idea and wanted to share what new thing I tried this week. Enjoy! :O)
Sunday, March 14, 2021
My Best Deal
This weeks best deal is something that I have seen before at the thrift store and had been tempted to get them but just did not know if it was something that would work in my closet. So I had not bought them last time I saw some, but I did go home and look at the shelf in my closet to see if it would work- yes - it probably would - but when I went back to that thrift store the next week - the dividers were gone.
But last week went I went to a favorite thrift store - they had 3 of them!
Saturday, March 13, 2021
"Proving the Prophets"
Friday, March 12, 2021
Freebie Friday
Thursday, March 11, 2021
Just a Taste
Last night I had a dream in which someone said to me, "I love you completely ." What a wonderful feeling to be completely loved. When I woke up and was thinking about it, I realized that it would have to be Jesus saying this to me, because in our sinful world it is hard to find that kind of love.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021
The Beatitudes...series.. Poverty That Makes Rich
Poverty That Makes Rich
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
Garden Planning Advice
Monday, March 8, 2021
Addressing Something Important
Today I am taking a break from our study on faith and perseverance to address something that I think is very important.
For those of us that live in the lone star state - Texas - last week our governor announced lifting all the the mandates and restrictions. For anyone who knows me, knows that this made me VERY happy!!! I have felt for a long time that the restrictions were actually making things worse - rather than better.
Although there are those who, like me are very happy that this will finally be happening- there are those who are not happy at all. It is like they do not realize that they will still be free to wear a mask and social distance and what ever else they feel they need to do to keep themselves safe.
I have noticed something interesting- it seems to me that those who aren't that into wearing masks and all - are totally ok with those who choose to wear a mask. We feel it is a free country and we all should have the freedom to make our own choices. But many of those who want to continue wearing masks feel the need to force everyone else to wear a mask. So I wanted to take a few minutes just to share a few things and hope that this will help anyone who wants to continue to wear a mask - understand that they are totally free to do so. Make the choice that is best for you. But please give those around you the freedom to make their own choices as well.
As many of you know - 7 years ago - I had to go through 6 sessions of a combo of 2 chemo drugs. About a week after each of these 5-6 hour sessions my immune system would be at it's lowest. I was told to be careful during these times. And I would. I choose to drink Emergan C packets - 2-3 times a day. I would drink fruit smoothies. I did these things to help my immune system. I did not, however, expect everyone around me to stay away from me - or wear masks- I did NOT wear a mask either. If I went to the store - I would wash may hands or use hand sanitizer when I got to the car. Or wipe off the buggy handles. I did things to protect my health. I did NOT expect others to do this for me. And I think it is sad that our country has been manipulated into thinking it it everyone else responsibility. If you are sick then stay home - this is what I do. I went through a rough time - each chemo session brings your immune system down and toward the end if you are not careful you could be in bad shape. Each time I went in - I had to have blood taken and tested to see if my system was strong enough to do the next session of chemo drugs. And praise be to God for giving me wisdom to know how to take care of me - my numbers stayed within the normal -range - although towards the end it was getting to the low end. At one or more of my visits my Dr said "what every you are doing - keep doing it" and "I wish more of my patients would do what you are doing."
I read the paperwork and at one place it was saying not to eat fruits and veggies - I guess because if you don't clean them then you can get sick. Well I know that fruits and veggies have very important nutritional benefits and I was NOT going to stop eating the things that God provided for my health. And it was the right choice. I am thankful that I kept getting out into the fresh air and sunshine and would get walks in when I could. These things help keep your immune system strong.
All of this to say - I understand that the media had manipulated people into being very fearful - but fear and stress lower the immune system so the best thing you can do for yourself is to let go of the fear and work through the stress. And look for all the natural things you can do to boost your immune system. Drink lots of water and get plenty of rest and put your trust in God - along with the other things I have mentioned here. Lots of great information I have shared of things you can do to strengthen your immune system. God blessed us with these wonderful bodies and we need to recognize that and praise Him for it.
And please allow those that choose not to wear a mask to do so in peace. You still have the freedom to wear one and it is perfectly ok if you choose to wear one. Do what is best for you and give others the same freedom as well. It is what Jesus would do. Just look through the Bible at His interaction with the sick. You might be surprised! :O)
Sunday, March 7, 2021
My Best Deal
This week's best deal comes from Dollar General! I have been finding that they have some pretty good deals and it is a really good idea to go there and look around ever so often!
So again - I found out about this item from a youtuber. I just love it when people share great things they have found. I might have never noticed this great find had it not been mentioned.
Ever since I saw it during my 9 days home because of major weather here in Texas - I have wanted one. And once we could get out - I would check out some of the stores we went to - to see if I could find something similar and I just couldn't. So I stopped by Dollar General one day last week and bought myself one!!
When I made it to DG - they only had 4 left - 3 green and 1 blue. So they may have other colors - I don't know. But I love it. You pump it - 5 - 10 times and it has a gently mist! And you can move the little thing on the handle so you don't have to hold it down - and it easily pulls back to release. This best deal - is only $5.00!!!
On Thursday when I was at Walmart I saw that they had something similiar but did not have the price marked - theirs was larger so I am sure it could cost more. I love the size of this one - especially with my seed starts - that I finally got planted this week! And I plan on using it to water my plants. I may have to get a second one so I can have one in the house and one in the green house! We shall see!
Anyway sometimes my best deals are at thrift stores and sometimes at store. But to me it doesn't matter where as long as I can find some great things at great prices!!
Have you gotten any great deals lately? I would love to hear about it! :O)
Saturday, March 6, 2021
God's Blueprint of Salvation (Sermon)
Friday, March 5, 2021
Freebie Friday
GreenStalk vertical planters
Thursday, March 4, 2021
A Learning Experience
The weather here and Texas has been gorgeous lately and we have been getting out and working towards getting things done around here. There is a long list to be sure! An important thing that needed to get done was to get a fence up to fence off the garden part of our yard. This is to keep the chickens out of the garden. They will be allowed to be in that area during the parts of the year that there is no garden going but for now - it is time to get them out of my garden so I can get stuff planted out there.
I finally got some seeds planted and growing in my sunroom for now. I am really late on getting some of them planted but I have high hopes for them to do well. If not - plan b will be to buy plants and use them this year and continue to work towards being able to start seed and grow my own plants.
I am learning that gardening is a learning experience. You don't know everything automatically. You have to do in order to learn. And you have to go into it with the idea that you may fail- but you can not give up. Each "failure" is just opportunities to learn new things. And I am happy to be on this journey. :O)
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
The Beatitudes...series... The Beatitude Ladder
The Beatitude Ladder
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Make Your Own Yarn Needle Threader
Monday, March 1, 2021
Weightier Matters
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment*, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.
Matthew 23:23
"Jesus was not abolishing the practice of giving one-tenth of ones' income to God. Just the opposite, Jesus' comments reaffirm the permanency of the law of tithing and place it in perspective in relation to what is still more important(weightier): justice, mercy and faith.
The scribes and Pharisees had extended the law of tithing on the produce of the land (Lev 27:30; Deut 14:22-33) to the smallest herbs such as mint, anise, and cummin (spices that were indigenous to that region of the world.) Jesus affirmed this practice. But He condemned the hypocrisy of keeping the letter of the law in small matters while engaging in the exploitation and oppression that the prophets railed against. (Isaiah 1:16-18; Hos. 6:6; Micah 6:8)"
Quote from my Andrews Study Bible notes
Justice, Mercy, and Faith
Yesterday my husband came home from work not feeling good. He still does not feel good today. He is at work and has to work a double shift s...
I have found an excellent resource for healthy living. Here is a link to the site The World's Healthiest Foods . There is a li...