Sunday, April 12, 2020

Still Just Can't Believe It's Real....

How are you all handling all of the craziness in our world? I have to admit that ever so often it hits me and for a split second I have to reason is it really going on? I would have never guessed in a million years that we would come to a point of  "Shelter in Place." It all happened so very fast. And then it is hard for me to understand why we are in this situation when most people that I know of that have gotten this virus are sent home to self quarantine and have since recovered.  My other question is that if it were so very contagious why is it not spreading faster. Yes - it is spreading in the larger cities faster basically because there are many people in a limited area.

So what are you doing to keep busy? I have plenty around here to keep me busy for a long time. But to tell the truth I am not getting a whole lot of stuff done. I am taking down time watching TV and working in the yard. Part of my slowness is probably a bit of discouragement because there seems to be so many freedoms taken away from us so very quickly.

I am also discouraged because I will not be able to get a hair cut till May sometime - if I am lucky. And that is discouraging - I am thinking I may have to change hair style. Don't know yet. I DO know I will NOT be cutting my own hair. At least I don't think I will. Have you been tempted to cut your hair? Have you?


  1. It's very bad here in Michigan. It seems that smaller states may have a harder time maybe because we are not so spread out..I don't know. There was a death in my county last week..and we are a very small town. My husband has an auto immune disease so he would likely have a harder time if he gets it. But my oncologist assured me that because I am not on the heavy chemo anymore, and my immune system is finally in the normal range (just barely) that I am not at a higher when we pick up groceries or prescriptions, I am the one that cleans everything out in the garage before we bring the groceries inside..I even clean the mail, lol! Good news is that there is hardly any junk mail now!
    I just spray my hair back and wear a head band..The curls help to hide the dead ends a bit. I think the hardest for me is that I cannot see my two little fact I was scheduled to spend a week in Indiana with my daughter and seven month old grand daughter this week before all this started. :(
    Hang in there, Lisa..We know very well that sometimes we must make adjustments that are hard..but you are strong, and our God is even bigger than anything we will face here on earth! ((hugs))

    1. So sorry that you missed your trip to see family- that would be so very difficult to deal with - the hardest part I am thinking. I just have to keep my focus on God. Stay Strong and Thrive!! :)


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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