Thursday, April 23, 2020

In These Uncertain Times

I keep hearing the phrase ~ "In these uncertain times" at it just stands out every single time. At first I felt that and I didn't know if others felt it as well but it seems we all do. It's easy to feel uneasy. You can't even go to the grocery store without having to worry about encountering some new rule or regulation. I used to love going and getting groceries and now when I head to the store each week I feel like I am going on an adventure and I pray that it is a good adventure - but I feel some anxiety that it may not be.

I have heard some very encouraging songs - and I think I will be sharing a few of my favorites with you all again because I think that especially during these "uncertain" times we need to be praising God. Praising God helps turn our attention from all of the stress that is in our world today and that is important. I don't want to be like Peter who, when he took his eyes off of Jesus during the storm - started to sink into the raging waters. I want to keep my eyes on Jesus and walk towards Him on these raging waters. Join me. :O)

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