Tuesday, April 21, 2020

In a Tangible Way

Yesterday I woke up with this pray going through my mind: 

Dear Lord, please wrap your arms around all my friends and family members today. Help them feel your love in a tangible way. Give them peace in these uncertain times. And draw them closer to you. Amen. 

It seemed the perfect prayer when while messaging a friend it just seemed like a special message for her. 

Later in the day I would find it was meant for me as well. You see I was about to work in my yard. I was getting my weed eater ready. As I was standing in the garage with the door open to the back yard - I heard a weird honk. I stepped out and looked around and did not see anything. I proceeded to go weed eat. Then I got my push mower out and I mowed the section of our yard that is hard to get with the riding lawn mower. And then I went out towards the back of the yard where there is a trampoline and climbing toy and mowed around there. When I was done I went and sat on my back porch. I was tired. I heard that sound again and then noticed my chickens were all towards the house acting nervous. I think to myself that I must investigate. I was worried there could be a hawk in the area. The noise sounded very close to their coop, so I made my way over there. And guess what I found?! 

It about took my breath away! He was beautiful! 

My husband got this awesome shot! 

This was him, about to leave our yard. I think I was making him nervous as I was trying to get close enough to get a great photo. I wish that the sun would have been shining on him. It would have made a gorgeous photo! 

 It wasn't until later that it dawned on me that THIS was God's way of showing His love to me in a tangible way! I had been busy working in the yard and this beautiful creature had waited patiently for me to notice him. It is like God sent him on a mission and he was determined to wait patiently until I noticed him. This morning I was reminded of our trip 4 years ago when I got a photo of this peacock mooning us!

And at that point I knew- not only was this peacock's visit a tangible way of God showing me His love for me but that His timing is perfect as well!! Praise the Lord. What a blessing! 

I pray that you, too, will see God's love for you in a tangible way - I would love to hear about your experience in the comment section. :O) 

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