Sunday, February 23, 2020

My Best Deal ....edited

Just noticed the photo was so big that not all was seen so I made photo small. :) 

I am SO very excited about this weeks - Best Deal. It is something I never even imagined I would ever get. So just imagine for a minute how excited with this wonderful thing was donated to the thrift store that I volunteer at!!!!! 

Do you know what this is? 

I only know because my hairdresser has one. It is an automatic vacuum. You can set the controllers to where all you have to do is sweep stuff to right in front of it and it sucks all the stuff in! Since I have 4 cats I will not be leaving mine on auto all the time. I will just turn it on during the time that I am sweeping. You can see where you pull out the portion in order to dump what has been vacuumed up - there below the "EyeVac" 

It still had trash in it and the filter was dirty and smells like dirty dog- I am sure hoping that is what I am smelling because I have read that if it smells like burnt hair that it is probably about gone. The burnt hair smell means that hair has gotten into the motor. Anyway I dumped all the stuff out and I cleaned the filter up the best I could. I also got onto Amazon and got a new filter ordered- I paid more for the filter than I did for this awesome deal.

So brand new these run about $130.
Yes~ I realize there is a $15 sticker on it - but since I volunteer there I get a better deal. So I will just leave it there- I paid less than the $11.95 that I paid for the filter.

I am SO thrilled with my deal!!! You just never know what treasure will show up on your journey through life!! :O) 

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