Thursday, February 13, 2020

An Addition to My Workout

So I have shared how I am going to a strength training class that our church has been having for the past 5 weeks. It has been a real challenge but I have learned so much and it has been so worth my time! 

This is one of the pieces of equipment that we use there and I have learned about 6 different exercises that I can do using this gravity trainer. Some are easier than others - but all beneficial

I found this one at Walmart for $14.92 I believe. And as you can see you put it over your door and close the door securely. My favorite exercises with this is like he is shown - doing pull ups with either your elbows out or by your side- alternating them is great! That is my favorite exercise so far with this band. 

What we learned last night that I enjoy is doing squats holding onto these and then our trainer challenged me to do one legged squats- alternating legs. That was challenging but fun as well. It's need to see what all you can do with just one piece of equipment. 

Now I am wondering what I will learn next week. Hmmmm?!

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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