Wednesday, February 19, 2020

A Recap of Present and Past Valentine's

Friday morning as I was having quiet time - I heard a loud noise come from the hallway closet that houses our heating and cooling system- it was loud enough that it caused the doors of the closet to shake and scared my kitties. I didn't think too much about it till about 30 - 45 minutes later as I was about to go take my shower I felt like it was cooler than usual in the house - it was below freezing outside and the temps had dropped a couple degrees lower than I usually run it. So I went to check out the closet. I noticed some breakers and switches on the unit and I turned them off and on. Nothing happened. I looked around more and noticed a couple of breakers on the wall and I went to turn them off and on and noticed one of them felt as if it had been thrown. So when I turned it back on the unit started up again.  I was very proud of myself for getting it going and since my husband was still out of town I called him to let him know what was going on. Well he reminded me that I needed to go check our outside unit to see what it was doing - what ever system we have when it gets cold and wet it is best to run the E-heat because the unit outside can freeze up. Well the unit outside was not going - so I came inside and turned the unit down so it would kick off. Then I went out there and I switched the breakers out there off and on. And something that was done fixed the situation. I was so thankful. It is a bit more stressful to have those kinds of things happen when your husband is out of town....

As you recall Friday was Valentine's Day - how could I forget almost everyone was talking about it on Facebook.... As I went through my memories of past Valentine's Days - I remembered that 6 years ago on Valentine's Day I had been sitting at Texas Oncology having my 3rd chemo out of 6. My Valentine's day might not have been what I would have liked it to be - but at least I wasn't having chemo..... For a break later in the day I caught up on a show I watch and they just happen to have a scene where a lady is celebrating 5 years cancer free - and in the middle of the party she breaks down and cries because of the fear she feels that the cancer could come back. Oh I know the feeling all too well.... For today I have good health and I am thankful for that. I don't know what the future holds but I know Who holds the future and for that I am thankful! :O)

1 comment:

  1. I love the design of the bookcase! Great job on both! Hope you are staying dry in all this rain we are having today :)


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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