Friday, July 5, 2019

Taking It For Granted No Longer

Going a week and a half without a working washing machine certainly reminded me of things to be thankful for. I was reminded during that time that not everyone has the luxury of having a washer and dryer- and it is truly a luxury. You are reminded of that when yours are not working.

I am reminded of how thankful I am for a good amount of clothes so that I don't have to stress about having to get my laundry done so I can have something to wear. I like keeping up with my laundry by washing 2 times a week. This works great for me. But I am so thankful to have enough clothes that I can go a week and a half without a working washer and I still had options of what to wear each day.

Sometimes it takes not having something to make us realize how much we truly appreciate it. Let us try to live our lives in such a way that we don't have to lose something in order to realize how thankful and grateful we are for it.

What are some things that you may be taking for granted? Why not take a few moments to thank God for these often over looked blessings. I know I am.

I am thankful that the part came in for my washer on Tuesday afternoon and just a few minutes later - my husband had my washer working. And yes I started my laundry right then and got all 3 of my loads done! It felt great to be able to get my laundry done!! What a blessing to have a working washer and dryer!! :O)

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