Friday, July 12, 2019

His Hand At Work

Monday July 8th started just like other July days, but by the end of the day God's providence was clearly seen through out the entire day.

SweetPea slept in late and by the time we got back to my house and got breakfast it was almost lunch time. I needed to pick up a few things from Aldi's so a trip to a nearby town was in order.

SweetPea has grown since last summer and up a size. I went through her clothes and ended up having to pull quite a few of her shorts. I thought that it might be a good idea for us to go by Goodwill and look for some clothes for her. So we left the house with the plan to hit Goodwill first and then Aldi's. As we were driving the 20 minute drive to town- I looked at the time and noticed how late it was and realized I would still need to make supper for everyone. I felt a strong feeling that we probably ought to just get to Aldi's and get back home.

Not long after we arrived back at home a really good friend, that I hadn't talked to in over a year or so, called. She and her husband had been living near her parents and an aunt, helping to take care of all of them. Anyway we talked for over 2 hours.

During the course of the conversation, she had asked how our pets were doing- chickens and cats. I had mentioned that our oldest cat, Lulu, was not doing very well and that I figured we would loose her within the year. Not too long after that I decided to get to the kitchen to start supper. As I walked through the dining room I looked out in the sunroom and saw Lulu. I instantly knew shew as in really bad shape. The look in her eyes and how she was breathing gave it away. I stepped back to the living room to get my husband. I was still on the phone but needed him to go to Lulu. I quickly told my friend that I thought we were looking Lulu right then. My friend has a precious heart, she praied for for Lulu and for us and told me to let her know what happened. I truily believe it was her prayer that helped Lulu to pass without going through a lot of pain. I was able to pet her and tell her how much we loved her and how she had been a great pet to us. My husband walked back into the room - prepared to take her to the vet. I said to him, "I don't think she will make it that long" and sure enough she had passed right after I had talked to her. We cried. But I was also thankful that she didn't have to suffer a long time - that is the hardest part for me - to see my pets suffer.

I think back over the day - how God had orchestrated that I would be home to get the phone call. The story behind why she called me and that we had been on the phone so she could pray with me and even that God nudged me to go to the kitchen when I did. Had I not listened to him - I may have just found her dead and not had the chance to tell her that we loved her.

God worked it all out. Plus I had really wanted to get back in contact with this friend again. She is a life long friend. Not that I have known her all my life - but that she is a friend I will have the rest of my life. We have been friends for over 15 years. We have shared some ups and downs. She is the friend who taught me that people can have disagreements or squabbles and work through them and be even better friends than they were before.She has a beautiful testimony and even though she is hesitant to share with everyone, she trusted me enough to share it with me.

Anyway I am so grateful for God's watch care and how even though I didn't know what the day held. He did. He worked things out. He cares about us and if we pay attention, we can see his had at work. The day may have begun like other days but it didn't end like them. This day I could clearly see God at work. May I continue to pay attention to the details and see His hands at work.

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