Tuesday, April 23, 2019

We Can Learn a Thing Or Two From the Birds

With rain and stormy weather looming around our area, I ventured out to try to get a walk in for the day. Thankfully I was able to get a 2 mile walk in before my radar showed me of a possible rain shower headed my direction. As I walked I noticed something very interesting,.a lesson I think we all need to learn. 

I saw several different kinds of birds. And I spent a good amount of time observing them. I noticed the special beauty of each one. I noticed that each seem to be very content. They were not bothered by not being a different kind of bird - even though the other birds were around them, They were not stressing about not being as big, or as small, or as pretty as the other. They were content with being themselves. It's like they realized that the Creator had made them and that they were special just the way they were. 

Now people might prefer one bird over the other, or think one kind of bird is more special then the other. But God loves all the birds. Each and every one is special to Him. 

You and I tend to get caught up in the envy trap or the not good enough trap, but we don't need to. God made us all special in our own unique ways. And He loves each and every one of us as well. We need to learn to be content just like the birds are at who we are. There may be areas of our lives that need to be changed and that is fine- God will guide and direct us to who He wants us to be and what changes He wants from us. In the mean while we need to learn to accept ourselves and realize that we may be different from those around us but we are all special! God loves every single one of us - we can be sure of that! :O) 

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