Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Good Deal That Turned Into A Great Deal

Do you remember this great deal I got? 
$3.00 for this almost new pair of shoes. 

So how did this good deal turn into a great deal you may be asking.
Well come to find out the soft foamy layer of the shoes tend to come apart from the rest of the shoes. I can understand since that stuff is so soft and weak.
I continue to use them - I have just had to get some gorilla glue and glue the portions that have come lose back to the shoes. Some of the glue has come out of the sides and so they don't look all that great but I basically use these shoes at home when I am going my cardio or weight workouts that I do with RiseUp Ministries anyway, so no big deal.

So this good deal turned into a great deal because I didn't have to pay big bucks to find out that the shoes could fall apart easily. Plus have the creativity in order to work with them to make them last me even longer!  

***By the way~ My aunt is having a pretty serious surgery done today. I would sure appreciate your prayers. Thank you so much!! *********

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