Thursday, April 18, 2019

Was Discouraged, Better Now

This morning I woke up discouraged. I knew exactly why. I don't like that it seems sometimes it's doesn't seem like much that can cause me to fall into discouragement.  I decided that maybe if I spent some time writing in my journal maybe, just maybe, I could work through the discouragement. My feelings got worse before they got better. Eventually I decided to pull a box of my favorite snug clothes out of the closet and spent some time trying the stuff one. I found that one top fit well enough to wear! And I realized that once I lose the last 10 pounds or so to reach my 50 by 50 goal that these favorites should fit well! That really helped me feel so much more positive about the progress I have made. It's been snail slow- that is the truth but it is progress.

As  I was looking at Facebook this morning and I scrolled through my memories  I realized that 5 years ago today I was having my last of 6 sessions of chemo. 5 years ago! I began thinking about him w far I have come since then in so many areas of my life. I thought back on the weight that I was at the beginning and then the weight I gained through chemo. It's so easy to gain weight through chemo- they gave me steroids before each of the 6 sessions of chemo. On one of the chemo sessions I had to take steroids for several day plu the dose before chemo . And of course more weight came on...At my very last check up with my oncologist I found that I weighed less than I had at the very first chemo. And I have lost weight since then. So although I am not at my goal yet and my prog ress seems so slow. I have to keep in mind that I have made progress~ I am headed in the right dir ection. And by the grace of God I will reach my goal.

I am so happy that I tried the clothes on and that I thought through the realistic facts of the past 5 years. I am feeling so much better now. Praise the Lord!!

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