Tuesday, August 28, 2018

New Insight into Psalm 23

I am SO very lucky to have a small thrift store nearby that has some great people who donate things to it, because I end up with some of the greatest books there are. I really feel blessed. The last few weeks the thrift store is running a sale on books - so most books are 50 cents unless it is a small book - then she only charges 25 cents. I am not sure how much she charged for this book but 50 cents would have been the most she would have. I think that was an awesome deal. I have only read the first chapter and was SO very blessed by it. I will only be pulling out the excellent quotes that really speak to me to share with you. By the way - this is such a great book - I am on the look out for me - so I can share it!!

“ The glorious truth that they(Christians) should be meeting Him every day in green pastures and beside still waters has never dawned upon them, or at least has never become a blessed, daily experience in their Christian life. True it is that one cannot know Christ as Shepherd without knowing Him as Savior, but the tragedy is that born again believers who know Him as Savior may never know Him in their daily experience as a blessed present Shepherd.”

 “I Shall Not Want” by Robert T. Ketchum pg.11 of this awesome new book I’m reading. I have only read the first chapter and wow! What insight into the 23rd Psalm. Be watching for more great quotes!! :O)

1 comment:

Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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