Thursday, August 9, 2018

I did it and a challenge for you

Last time I checked in, I shared how it's been a struggle lately to find the desire to exercise and walk. I think the fact that July was hit or miss when it came to exercise put me into a rut of sorts. The way out of the rut is to push yourself to do what you ought to do. I know it's easier to just allow the flesh to get what it wants. Trust me- I have been have a lot of issues with the flesh lately, and a lack of desire to exercise was one of them.

So this week I challenged myself to get at least a 2 mile walk in and I accomplished that Tuesday morning. Wednesday morning I decided to do a weight work out with Jennifer from Rise Up Ministries. (I would put a link, but I'm on my iPad and I'm not quite sure how to do it on here.)  This morning I did a cardio workout with Jennifer and then decided  to go on a walk in my neighborhood. In addition to a good cardio workout this was a good walk. And to top it off I found 2 pennies on the side of thebusy road. That is the positive of walking on roads as opposed to walking at the park.

I challenge you- if you are struggling with getting a walk or exercising in your day, start slow. Maybe a walk around the block or maybe 10 minutes of walking. Just commit to doing something. Set a goal for yourself and work at reaching that goal for this week. Then next week maybe challenge yourself to a bit more. It will take a while to see the benefits but remember the benefits of walking and exercising are more than just your looks, they also help with your health, your mood, your sleep and probably a lot more. Try it out. If you are struggling just decide " I may not feel like doing this today but I will feel better once I do" and then do it. You will be glad you did! I know I am. Now I'm off to make bread. Hope y'all have an awesome day!

** I think I will have some extra time this afternoon so I will try to get a Thrifted Outfit posted.

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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