Saturday, August 25, 2018

Holding Plans Loosely

The last couple of weeks I have had plenty of opportunity to hold my plans loosely. As I have shared in the past I really enjoy my Friday's. I love spending my day getting ready for Sabbath. Changing the sheets and making beds,laundry, hanging my towels on the line weather permitting, sweeping, mopping, getting groceries if I didn't on Thursday..... You get the idea. Anyway you get the idea. Well the past two weeks I have had unexpected things come up- taking my mother in law to a Dr appointment which kept me out and about for several hours of my Friday. Then this week I needed to take my Mother in law to my sister in laws mother's funeral.... Which turned into going to grave side service and family dinner...5 hours later I arrived home... Worn out.Thankfully I was able to get at least the essentials done. But my stress level was almost through the roof with everything going on.

Speaking of that- so today my new Sabbath school class is having a potluck. I don't know very many people and so I am very nervous. I don't always know what to do and what to say in social settings. So I have been very nervous about this. I'm uncomfortable because my husband does not go to church with meat this time and so it will just be me. There are a good number of couples -a majority of the people there will be couples. I am very nervous about this but I feel like I have to go. I feel like God led me to this class in order to push me out of my comfort zone a bit and I feel I need to participate in the activities to fully do the growing God intends for m .so this morning as I write this, I pray that God will be with me and give me peace and even the words to say. That He will help me to experience peace and to come away from this experience feeling positive about it. If you would pray for me I'd really appreciate it. Thank you so much.

1 comment:

  1. I pray that you have a positive experience at your church potluck today!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

How God Handles Our Hospitality