Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Dry Eyes?

Today's post will be a public service announcement post. This is information that I believe is important to us all. If not for now- it will be beneficial for us to know for the future.

Do you have dry eyes? It can be annoying. But did you know it can lead to a more serious situation? My Mother-in-law has dry eyes and goes to the eye Dr every 6 months to stay on top of it. At this past visit the Dr shared some very important information. You know how your skin can sometimes get dry and crack? Well the same thing can happen to your eyes. On your skin it is not that painful but because our eyes have a lot of nerve endings- when our eyes get so dry that they crack it is painful. It feels like scratches on our eyes. He said that dry eyes start out feeling like sand in in our eyes and if we do not properly take care of them they can begin to crack. When this happens the Dr has to prescribe a greasy type medicine for your eyes- which will of course make it hard to see. And you have to use this medicine long enough to clear up the cracks on the eyes.

Learning this information has encouraged me to get myself some eye drops for the occasional times when I have dry eyes. It is not a problem that you can just ignore and the problem will go away. We need to take seriously the health of our eyes. If you have been having episodes where it feels like sand is in your eyes, you too may want to consider getting eye drops. Using eye drops every now and then may help prevent having to put that greasy medicine in your eyes. I like being able to see. Please take care of your eyes. :O)

1 comment:

Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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