Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Around My Yard

The sun was shining and a breeze was blowing. I rally wanted to go to the park and get a good walk in, but I had more pressing matters to attend to Sunday morning.

This year we got a late start on our garden. I think it was about 2 weeks ago when I finally got it planted. So you can imagine that my garden needed to be weeded and watered. So that took the place of my early morning walk.

Here is a list of what we planted this year:

  • yellow squash
  • okra
  • red bell pepper and orange bell pepper plants
  • cherry tomatoes
  • cucumbers
  • sweet potatoes
  • parsley
  • spinach
Here is a list of what we have growing on a continuing basis:

  • multiplying onions or walking onions
  • rosemary
  • sage
  • oregano
  • kale
I love having an herb garden with fresh herbs. I am slowly learning how to incorporate them in my cooking.

As I worked on weeding my garden I was reminded of the character traits that are built and reinforced in gardening. When I planted my garden- a heavy downpour of rain was expected the very next day. I hesitated on planting my garden that day because I didn't want the seeds to be washed away. But I realized we were already late getting things planted and if I did not get the garden planted that day - I would have to wait till the garden dried up enough to plant - so at least a few days to a week. So I went forward with planting. Praying that God would bless my efforts. I had HOPE that planting would be successful and I had to practice FAITH in God. That He would hear my prayer and answer. Sure enough - here we are 2-3 weeks from planting and everything is doing well. One little plant looks puny and may not make it but every other one looks like they are doing very well. I am very happy about it. And PRAISING the Lord!! Which I think it very important. Just like the song I shared last week - Every Praise to our GOD!!

Sunday was a very busy day - my yard also needed to get mowed- so I mowed the front yard, back, and most of the chicken yard. The way our yard is set up some parts have to be mowed by push mower or weed-eated. I love a freshly mowed yard! I will continue to work on getting it all mowed and weed-eated this week.

While I was moving my yard - I decided to mow a bit at the drive way - there is a good slope there - so I went down one side and was going to mow up the other side- the slant made the riding lawn mower hesitate and I looked down just in time to see money before the lawn mower tried to eat it up.
Of course the mower died because I hesitated at going forward. Which in turn caused me to have to sit right by the busy street that we live on until I finally got the mower started again.

Money - found in 3 pieces - all taped up. Good as new- almost...lol.
A little update on my little chickies - they are growing so fast. They love me to bring them grass and tree branches - so they can eat the leaves. I can trim my trees and put the discarded branches to good use now.

Be sure to come back tomorrow as I share a new goal I have set for myself. :O)

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