Saturday, May 5, 2018

Beloved Names of God...series "Shade"


"The LORD is thy keeper: The LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand.
Psalm 121:5 KJV
  • Name of God the Father
  • God is referred to as "Shade" once in the KJV.
  • The term right -hand man usually means your most dependable friend or your most able helper. In this instance, God will be close enough to cast a shadow on your right hand, and He is both your Friend and your Helper.
  • In one of the most comforting passages of the Bible, the psalm writer (probably Kind David) assured us that God does not sleep and protects us by day and by night. He will preserve us at our going out and our coming in, He will protect us "for evermore" (Psalm 121:8 kjv)
Shade from the sun is more important, and more subtle, than most people realize. Without the earth's magnetic field being in place, powerful solar winds would have long ago stripped the atmosphere from our planet. And why does the Earth have a magnetic field when it isn't a magnet? Albert Einstein described this as one of the greatest mysteries in physics.
It's either a great mystery, or the Lord is indeed a very great Shade.
Come back next week when we will look at "Shield"

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