Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Not For The Faint Of Heart

This isn't our first rodeo. And when I say rodeo- I mean this isn't our first time ordering baby chicks. But the emotional turmoil of the last week has taught me that this will probably be our last rodeo. We will be doing what we can to protect these chickens that we have and hope they live a long life.

It has been an emotional roller coaster. We lost a tiny little chicken the first day - she was half the size of the rest of the chicks we got. Can't quite figure out how that would be since they ship shortly after they hatch. Then the next day we lost one - probably from the stress of shipment. On Sabbath we were lucky and did not lose any chicks; however Sunday we were not so lucky. My husband got home from the pathfinder camporee and went out to check on the chicks and he found one of his favorites dead. He had ordered two chickens that have feathered legs, Blue Cochins.

I think I had already shared with you all that we got a little chickie that was blind. We gave her water and tried to get her to eat and drink - but she just wouldn't. The chick that we lost Friday we had thought was the blind girl. It was a relief since I was afraid she would not make it. But on Sabbath we realized that it was not the blind chick after all.

"Blindy" as our sweet granddaughter named her - lasted till Monday evening. After my husband got home from work we went out to check on the chicks and I could have sworn she was already dead the way she was laying there. My husband picked her up. She was still alive but not doing well. We brought her in the house and I put her in the box that the chicks were shipped in. I did not want her to be out there and get picked on by the other chicks during her last few hours. She lasted several more hours. Poor girl. It broke my heart. I am glad she is no longer suffering. And I pray that she was the last chicken to lose.

Today I made a phone call to McMurray - the place that we ordered the chicks from to lodge a complaint. I realized that there was a chance that we could lose some chicks, but I felt it was wrong of the company to send out the tiny chick and the blind one. Thankfully they heard my complaint and say they would pass info on. They also gave us a refund on the 4 chickens that we have lost. She asked if I wanted it left on the account there at McMurray or refunded the way it was paid - I told her a refund would be great since I did not think I could order baby chicks again. The emotional roller coaster over the last week has been too rough for me.

I love our little chickies and I know I will enjoy them. I am sad that when you get chicks there is always the possibility of losing some of them. I talked to some ladies at a local TSC. They said oh they are just life stock- that stuff happens. They must not be as sensitive as I am. I hate to see any of God's creatures suffer.

Come back tomorrow as I will have a post on "Grace" to share with you. :O)

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