Monday, January 1, 2018

Word for the Year

Several years ago, I began to notice how different bloggers seem to have a word for the year. It was the same year that I went through chemo and so much more. During that year - I came to understand that "courageous" was my word. The words from the years following that one do not stand out as clearly in my memory. In years past, I have struggles to know what my word would be but for 2018 - this word has already been given to me. I was kind of thinking it would be "love" since I have been struggling with that concept, but that is not the word that was given to me. I will, however, be doing more studying and posting about love.

I got my word in such a weird way. I was actually on Amazon looking at Gardening journals. And lo and behold I saw a daily journal that said "2018 the year of Grace" There it was.... Grace!

Even before 2018 arrived my word for the year began to help me.

I wanted to understand more about grace so I got my  Comprehensive Index of the writings of Ellen G. White out.

I have not used this book very often but something directed me to search for answers in this manner. And I was so thrilled that I did. I found the word "Grace" and I looked under the heading of Christ's Grace - and began to look up what quotes I could find. Several of them were found in the awesome little book called "Thoughts From The Mount of Blessing" a book I had read through back in 2011.
My copy of this book is in my desk drawer so I pulled it out and looked the quotes up. What a soothing ointment they were to my soul. I began to read other quotes I had underlined or highlighted and read my little notes I had written in the margins. And I knew it was high time for me to read this book again. I began reading it that morning and was amazed at how this time the word "grace stood out. Last time I read the book, I had just came to understand the concept of turning your will over to God. And I underlined or highlighted those phrases and quotes with yellow. I choose purple for the quotes about grace. I look forward to going through this book focusing on grace and I am sure by the end of this book I will have a better understanding of the concept of grace.
I would be interested in hearing what your word for the year it. Please leave a comment and let me know. Thanks :O)
Oh and by the way - Starting on Wednesdays - I will have a "Focusing on Grace" Series. See you then :O)

1 comment:

  1. I haven't decided if I am going to choose a word for the year, but I am thinking seriously about reading through Thoughts from the Mount of Blessings! I have never read the entire book through! It is probably about time!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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