Monday, January 29, 2018

It's a This and That Post

Just checking in for a few minutes. Today has been a busy day. I volunteered at the Depot this morning. During Hurricane Harvey I decided I needed to do my part to help those affected. And I have come to realize that in order to be ready for the disasters there needs to be people working all year round. I really enjoy doing what I can to help. Right now it only has worked out for me to help one day a week. If the need arises again I will carve out more time to help.

Today my MIL had an appointment that she needed me to take her too- a long over due appointment with the oncologist. Blood was taken and they are going to set her up for a cat scan sometime soon. Followed by a follow up with the oncologist.

I had a package to mail out along with a few other household chores to catch up on like our laundry and cleaning up the kitchen.

I am continuing to read the book "Shades of Grace" by Ty Gibsob. I have to say it's one of the best books I've read. It's in my top 10 Favorites for sure! I was gonna post a photo but I'm actually on my iPad tonight and don't have access to my photos. Anyway- come back by tomorrow when I will share a little gem from said book.

This past weekend I spent a little more time preparing for our up coming garden. I've been weeding our garden boxes and I had to dig up the dead stems from our okra plants. I was able to pull half of them out by hand but there were still half the plants in the garden so I had to get the shovel and dig them out. I'm happy to have that done. Every time I look out at the garden I feel that feeling of accomplishment. Remember the cute garden planning journal I found recently? Well I will be working in it sometime soon. I want to keep record of what we try with our garden and what works and what doesn't. That way each year we can move forward instead of standing stagnantly waiting for success to find us.

Well I really need to close for now. 5:25am comes very quickly and I am trying my best to get to bed earlier. I hope you all are doing well. See ya soon :0)

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

How God Handles Our Hospitality