Wednesday, January 3, 2018

A Surprise on a Gloomy Day

The last several days it has been COLD here in Texas. And not only cold but for a good part of it - it was dreary.
Around midnight on Saturday our temperatures dipped below freezing and it has stayed below freezing through till today. It should rise above the freezing point later today.
We have stayed home and tried to stay inside as much as possible. I had to get out ever so often to take care of my one remaining chicken and such.
On Sunday I discovered that my hyacinth bulbs that my friend gave me for my birthday were blooming. What a great surprise on a gloomy day!! And even across the room - ever so often I can get a whiff of the perfume of the bloom.

1 comment:

  1. They are beautiful! And each flower is an "I love you!" from God!


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How God Handles Our Hospitality