Thursday, September 7, 2017

Importance of Setting a Baseline

Making a goal helps you achieve that goal. Last year my sister and I went to a 6 week Diabetes class. During this class we had a session in which we were encouraged to set goals for the next week. We were to set a goal that we were at least 75-80% that we could accomplish. Then we each shared what our goal was going to be. The next week we would again get into our circle and share with the class how we did on our goal. Each we would were encouraged to set another goal for the next week. It was amazing how we as the weeks progressed - we were more likely to set goals that we were going to meet. And each week we did better and better at accomplishing our goals. This section of our class taught me the importance of setting goals.

In July of 2016 when I first set my 50 by 50 goal, I knew that exercising would be a good part of what would help me accomplish my goal. I have done my best to do a decent amount of exercising each week. It's just what I do. I put exercising on my to do list - right up there in the morning along with my quiet time and taking care of my animals. And most every day I try to do some official exercising.

It is important to set a minimum amount of exercising that you do each week. You come closer on those week that you are really busy to make sure you at least do your minimum when you have set a baseline for yourself.

What I have set as my baseline is to walk or work out at least 30 minutes 3X a week. And work out using weights at last 2X a week. Now when you set this baseline, don't use it as a will I only have to do this much. This baseline is set in order to help you at least get that much done each week. You do your best to at least do that much each week. And if you are able to do more - than that is even better. Usually when I walk - I generally walk from 40 minutes to 1 hour. But if time is limited - then, because I have set this baseline - I will do my best to either walk for 30 minutes or do a 30 minute workout.

When you set goals - you are more likely to actually accomplish what you have set as your goals. So if there are things that you would like to incorporate into your life - how about pray about it and ask God to help you set a baseline goal. And then do your best to accomplish that goal.

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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