Monday, September 25, 2017

Fall in Texas....

It's really a good thing that I have learned to hold my plans loosely. This morning I work up with the intentions of volunteering at the Emergency Depot in a town nearby. When I drove up there - there were already 18 cars in the parking lot. I have volunteered enough to realize that it might be hard for them to be able to use more than that many people at one time - so I changed my plans for the day. A park I like to walk at is nearby so I made my way there.  With encouragement from my sister, I pushed myself to make 3 miles. It had been a couple of weeks since I had walked that long at one time, so it was the perfect time to do it. It was already getting warm outside but I pushed through.

Speaking of warm, our highs each day are in the 90's. It is suppose to be fall, but here it is pretty warm still - summer like.
When I got home from walking - I decided to get some weed eating done. I have an area of my drive way which got out of control and I am slowly working to get it under control. Yesterday I had gotten my front and back yard mowed(except my chicken yard). And had worked a bit on weed eating. I really enjoy seeing the results of these outdoor jobs.

I have my list already for the week and will start working at crossing things off. The sooner I get the list taken care of the sooner - I will be able to add some fun things in. Oh don't get me wrong - I don't just do all the chores with nothing fun- I just can add more fun into my week when I work to accomplish my to do list. It really gives an incentive when you have some fun activities added in here and there through out your week.

Oh and I got my blood results back - but I don't have any more time right now to share about them. Be watching for that tomorrow.

Well I hope you all are doing well. See you soon. :O)

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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