Wednesday, April 26, 2017

My Best Deal....this week

This weeks addition of "My Best Deal" will come earlier than usual - because it is what I would like to share with you today.
On Sunday afternoon - my sister(knowing that I was at home alone because my husband and sons went on a fishing trip) asked me if I would want to go thrift store shopping- well of course I would love to go. We don't usually go on the week ends- we are usually too busy. So this was a special occasion for sure.

The first place we went - neither of us had any luck at all.
Oh well we had a few other places we wanted to check out anyway.
At the second place - a place that we usually don't go to - we both had some luck.
I actually found 3 tops and the coolest part - is that 2 of them were brand new with tags!!
This was my best deal by far-
A brand new with tags- Sonoma top - for only $2.99!!!
Yep - you read that right!!
This is the reason I thrift shop. Well that and it is hard - and getting harder to find the styles of clothing that I like at stores for brand new. Places are using more and more polyester - and I really do not like polyester in my clothing.
Here are the other two tops I found. This one is a gnw brand- which I am told is sold at Kroger's. Any way I thought this would be a very nice top to where with my black skirt. Or other skirts- could where with jeans or capris as well.

This is the other brand new top with tags still attached to it. It is a Lane Bryant top. This one I paid $5.99 for. The color is actually a bit brighter blue than this photo shows. It was getting dark when I was taking pictures - that is all I can figure out as to why the color is not accurate. The blue and what top does not show the color as perfectly as I would like either- the blue is a navy blue(like a denim blue) and it is cute as can be.
And both of these tops will be fitting me very soon!!!
I don't always have this much luck but when I do, I am super happy!
It was a real blessing from God - for sure!!!

1 comment:

  1. They are all beautiful but I especially love the first one!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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