So this is a first for me - well a first in quite some time. A little free time on a Friday afternoon is pretty rare for me. It seems like I have been so busy and most Fridays I meet sundown- having things left on my to do list that I had really wanted to get done. To be honest - I do have a few things left to do today but I have enough time that I am taking a break.
I love Fridays! Especially Fridays that I am able to stay home and clean up my home and get ready for Sabbath. It is the time for sheets to be washed and beds made freshly. That way when you climb into be on Friday night - you get to experience freshly cleaned sheets. It is a favorite thing for me.
This week while I was at Walmart ~ I bought myself a new set of weights. I have been using 3 pound weights but felt like it was time for me to get heavier weights. So I bought some 5 pound weights. And when did my work out program with weights - I used these at least half of the time with each exercise. I would start off with these heavier weights and then when I was struggling I would go to my 3 pound weights- and once I put these down -the other ones felt so very light! I am so surprised because when I first began using weights I never thought I would ever use anything heavier than the 3 pounder I had.
This week while I was at a favorite little thrift store nearby - I found this cute little set. 
Well this is the plaque that came with the set. It also has a 6 ounce mug that have this same quote on it with the same beautiful flours and design. I know the set was probably kind of old- who knows- but I threw the tea away - but love the rest of the set. They are favorites for sure. And right now I needed this reminder that God will never leave me. I found this awesome set on Tuesday the day before I realized that I would need this message. God really does time things nicely.
I would like to say that I am totally confident all of the time that God has this and that I don't have to worry - but the truth is that fear creeps in ever so often. And I keep having to return my focus to Jesus. Sometimes I have to say out loud, "Lord ~ Help me keep focused on You!"
I made some new bread today - it is called Banana Breakfast Bread! It is a yeast bread that has bananas and walnuts. I have not had a chance to taste it yet- but I think I am going to really like it. The recipe called for banana extract - well I didn't have any so I used vanilla instead. If I am not totally satisfied by the bread _ I may buy some banana extract - but for now I am content with using the vanilla.
We are having some gorgeous weather here - the house is opened up and the breeze feels wonderful. It got cool enough that even running the oven for the last hour - the house still feel very good! The sun is shinning and it is just a wonderful day. In the forecast for next week - is rain. And I am praying that the rain holds off when I have to take my MIL to 5 Dr appt. I really don't want to go driving around the big city to places I have never been before in the rain. But for now I am enjoying the sunshine and breeze. This week end promises to be beautiful as well. My husband and I have a good sized list of things we want to accomplish. Slowly, but surely we are making headway. And I am so happy with the progress we have made. Our yard is more and more a place I love to be!
Well there are things that I really need to get busy doing so I will close for now. Hope you are all well. :O)
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