Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Just Popping In

Just have a few minutes and thought I would jump on here and say Hello! The next couple of days will be busy for me and not sure if I will get a chance to get on then so taking advantage of my time tonight.

Things around here are awfully green. In fact, it is really beautiful to look at. I wish I could have gotten some photos to show you of all of the wild flowers. We have lots of Indian Paintbrushes, Indian Blankets, Bluebonnets, and Evening Primroses! There are more but those are the ones in most abundance around here. They are beautiful!!

Our yard is another thing that is really growing. That is one of the many things that I need to do in the next couple of days- mow our yard! I have done some weed eating but will need to get it mowed soon. We got quite a bit of rain last week end so I am trying to let the ground dry out a bit before I get out there to mow- don't want a big fat mess.

Another thing I am going to do this week is to consign some of my clothes. As I have been losing weight - I have been getting rid of clothes. I have given quite a few away - but my sister told me about a place in a nearby town that consigns plus sized clothes so I am hoping to get a little money out of some clothes - and that way I can use that money to replenish my closet.

For the longest time I had the size I was wearing - and then clothes that were the next size down and then another size down. It has been great to be in that smaller size. I have a tote with the next size down. And one tote with a few odds and ends of clothes that are actually the size I wore when I got married. And if everything works out how I would like it to - I will be able to get back into that size again! It would be amazing because I have not been that size in...well probably 28 years! I don't have many clothes in that size- so that will mean some shopping - but hey you won't hear complaining from me! No way!!

Today I have spent some time working on getting some activities to do with my granddaughter this summer. She really enjoys doing fun things and so I am hoping to set up some lesson plans of fun things that also will teach her things. That is the best way to do it. I have found some great resources, but I ran out of ink for my printer so I will be having to get some more soon. I am hoping to have some really fun things planned - incorporating all sorts of things- crafts, cooking, experiments and so much more. I just have to devote some time to getting things together and making a good plan.

The last couple of weeks my husbands schedule has been messed up - he is having to go in earlier which is really messing with my schedule - it has made it harder for me to keep up with everything around here that I need to do. And has really messed with my sleep schedule. There is no telling how long this will last either. I miss my schedule. The good thing is that I found that I can do the Rise Up workouts from their website- which is great because I had been doing it from Smartlifestyle TV but they have been off schedule the last couple of times I went there to work out. You can click on the link above and go straight to the "watch" page - that will give you the option of 6 different work outs - 3 of which she uses weights! I have really been enjoying my work outs with her - be sure and check her out.

Well I better get off of here. I had a certain reason for turning on the computer tonight and almost forgot what it was - so now that I remembered - I better go take care of it. See you all soon. Take care! :O)

1 comment:

Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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