Friday, January 27, 2017

Biblical Portrait

So with all the things going on in the world today I thought that a book that I found recently might be the perfect thing to share here. It is a book by Nancy Leigh Demoss called "Biblical Portrait of Womanhood~ discovering and living out God's plan for our lives." Doesn't that sound like just the thing needed - right now? I think so. There are so many counterfeits of what a woman should be - and sometimes those counterfeits seem so strong that it is hard to follow what God wants for us. But the good news is that it is possible. And I believe that this book will give us all more insight into the women God created us to be. Please join me every Friday as we work through this series.

"Within my lifetime, there has been a sweeping revolution- a revolution of how women view themselves and their roles, how they view men, how they view their families, and how they function in our culture.

Whether they realize it or not, the vast majority of Christian have bought into this "new" way of thinking. In the home, the church, and the marketplace, they have adopted the values and belief system of the world around them. The world promises freedom and fulfillment to those who embrace its philosophy. But sadly, millions of women who have done so have ended up disillusioned, wounded, and in terrible bondage.

For more than 20 years, I have listened to the heartcries of these women:
  • women who are exhausted from trying to juggle the demands of job and family
  • women who are desperately lonely
  • women who feel trapped in unhappy marriages
  • women who battle a pervasive sense of hopelessness and despair
  • women who live under a crushing load of guilt and failure
  • women who are struggling to find a sense of purpose in the midst of the "daily-ness" of life
  • women who have never known what it is to have whole relationships built on mutual love and commitment
  • women who live with crippling fears and chronic anxiety
I find that many women have given up hope that they can ever be released from their emotional and spiritual prisons. But over and over again, I have seen a light kindled in their eyes when they discover that the "abundant life" God promised truly can be a reality, regardless of their circumstances. The purpose of this booklet is to help us discover the path to that abundant life and to examine our lives in light of God's design and plan.

Before you go any further, I feel I should warn you that what you are about to read is not politically correct. It flies in the face of what we have been taught as 20th-century, "liberated" women. It is contrary to our natural instincts. It will never be the majority position and is likely to make some women uncomfortable.

But I can assure you that it is the only path to true joy, peace, and fulfillment as a woman. You see, God made us, He loves us, and we can only be whole when we function according to His design for our lives.

If your heart longs to be free to fulfill the purpose for which you were created, I invite you to join me in seeking to know the heart and ways of God.

I am praying that God will orchestrate a counter-revolution in our day-- a quiet revolution of women who are willing to patter their lives, not after the world but after the Word of God. I am convinced that the influence of an army of godly women will be incalculable-- in our homes, our churches, and our culture. Will you be one of those women?

Do you see what I mean? I think this book - even though it was published in 1999 - it is even more needed today than ever before. And before I close this post - I would like to share a little poem shared in this book
It is time for women
of biblical faith to reclaim our
territory. We know the Designer.
We have His instruction manual.
If we don't display the Divine
design of His female creation,
no one will. But if we do, it will
be a profound testimony to a
watching, needy world."
~Susan Hunt

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