Monday, January 16, 2017

BEST WAY ....~E~

Today we continue our series with the "E" in Best Way.


"In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and WALK!"
 Acts 3:6

Here's what happens when you exercise:
1. It increases circulation.
2. The heart rate increases to pump necessary oxygen to each muscle.
3. It increase the stroke volume, the amount of blood pumped with each heart rate.
4. It decreases the pulse rate, there by giving the heart more time to rest between beats.
5. It decreases one's risk of death in the even of a heart attack.
6. The lungs are expanded and thus strengthened to supply fresh oxygen to the entire system.
7.  Liver, kidney, and lungs will be strengthened to perform their work.
8. Exercise invigorates the mind.
9. Digestion is aided, and disease stomach is relieved and the bowels are strengthened for correct elimination.
10. Impurities are expelled from the system.
11. The skin expels impurities that otherwise would have to be expelled by the excretory organs, and the skin is given a healthy glow.
12. It increases weight loss.
13. You sleep better.
14. You are less affected by stress.

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