"Look Who the Good Samaritan Is!
Let's redo the story now, with the most exciting part, because this is the story of Jesus. Long ago, the father of our race went down- way down. He went down from a Garden, with two trees, and his wife went with him. They went down, and the race has been going down ever since, degenerating in physical strength, mental power, and moral worth. The thief and robber who stripped them of their garments of light had gone down before them, down from the heavenly courts. He wounded them and left them for dead. The wounded victims tried to stitch fig leaves together to replace the garments he had taken from them. But it didn't work. And the human race is still on that downward path.
Then the Good Samaritan came. By chance? No, He planned it. He came on purpose. He saw us and had pity on us. He left His home, the safety of His beautiful home , to come down to this world of trouble. He came in contact with us. He touched the untouchables. He is touched with the feeling of our infirmities. He put His robe around us, sacrificing His own life to save ours. He poured in oil and wine, the oil of the Holy Spirit and the wine of His own shed blood. With His stripes we are healed.
And then He takes us to the inn. Do you know where it is? There's one in your town! It may be a simple building, or it may have steeples and stained glass. But it's there. And He gives instruction to the innkeepers. If you haven't found yourself in the story yet, you'd better now! For He says to the innkeepers, "Take care of him. Take care of him, and when I come again, I will repay you." And now you are one of the innkeepers!
The Good Samarian doesn't just stop by once and then disappear. He' coming back! And He's promised, "When I come again, I will repay you."
Quoted from "Parables of the Kingdom" by Morris L. Venden page 31
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