Sunday, April 24, 2016

Day One

For the last month or so we have been looking forward to a little vacation that we had planned. The closer it got to time to go - we noticed that the forecast did not look very good. In fact, it looked like we had a chance of storms every single day. Ugh... I was not too happy about it at all. But one of the times that I was thinking about not wanting bad weather for our trip - I was reminded that God is in control and that I needed to trust Him. Again later I was talking negatively about not wanting storm filled vacation and my husband then reminded me of the same thing. Giving me the example of when his group of Pathfinders were camping and there was a large storm coming and it ended up going around them. Ok - I again decided to try to trust God.

Sunday afternoon at about 3:30pm we began our adventure by traveling south. Our first stop, and a lot of you might find this funny, was a cool - well it is a pair of silos that have been converted into bathrooms! A friend had mentioned that they had stopped by there and how cool they were. So I wanted to check them out too!

These photos were actually taken on the way home- because on the way out it was sprinkling and yucky and I had not desire to stand out in the rain to get photos.
That wasn't the only cool rest area that we stopped at. In what my phone tells me is Sarita Texas - there is a rest area that in the medium between the highways. I thought it was a beautiful set up. The buildings area all built together - but each side their own restroom. As you walk into the bathroom - you see these beautiful murals.

Oh and I just have to share a few of the beauties that I saw outside of the restrooms:

On this first day of our trip - we faced storms moving through, thankfully we only hit about 30 minutes or so of heavy rain. It was not super heavy rain but it was rain that was coming down hard enough that I had to slow down and just take it easy. And of course it rained on my turn of the driving for this day!
We arrived at our first destination at about 9:00pm.
Be sure to come back tomorrow to hear about day two! :O)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad there's someone else who appreciates beauty at rest stops! These look like fun ones for sure!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

How God Handles Our Hospitality