Monday, April 4, 2016

From This to That.....Another Dream Come True

Sorry I have been MIA. It's been very busy around our place.
 Especially since we had this pile of dirt:
That needed to be moved to here:
 Well of course this pile was burned down and the hole was left- from when we had an above ground swimming pool - but they had to cut down about 6 inches to level it up.  
Our granddaughter enjoyed a ride or two.
And here is our beautiful garden area now!
 We have not planted anything yet. Will be working on that this week.
I will be sure to get on here and update you all on what we end up planting.
Oh and an update on the rest of our garden so far:
We got a freeze- which we were afraid had killed our potatoes and tomatoes. Well our potatoes are doing well. And one tomato plant looks like it might make it. We did get several more to plant - just in case.
Our purple onions are doing great! As are the multiplying onions that we transplanted! We have 6 of the 10 strawberry plants seem to be growing and our black berry plants are doing well.

I will try to take photos of things and share soon.
Oh and by the way - getting this garden set up is also a dream come true for us. We have wanted to put a garden here for several years. And it just did not seem to work out. And each time it did not - we were very disappointed. This year - I am SO thankful to God for all the little pieces working together for us to be able to get this garden going.
1. My husband getting some over time so that we could afford to get a load of dirt brought in.

2. Us finding a company to deliver the dirt - oh and the discount that we got since my husband is a U.S. vet.
3. My husbands uncle being so kind as to let us borrow his tractor to move the dirt- so no huge cost to rent something!
4. And the time and energy to get this ready to go.
5. And I can't forget to praise God for the blessing of the things that have come back since last year - like my rosemary, oregano, sage, parsley~ What a blessing!
And so many more!!
Hope you all are doing well. :)

1 comment:

  1. It's just beautiful! I love how many things God brought together for you to have this garden. I bet you're going to get lots of delicious things out of it this summer!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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