Tuesday, February 2, 2016

An Apology and Updates

Ok - First of all - I really need to apologize about yesterday posts. For those of you that left comments - it was not at all either of you. I should not have let it bother me so much. The biggest bother is the two hackers that took over and are posting all sorts of useless - to me- things. And it just bogs down my reader. But I will just have to get used to it till I can figure something else out.

I was so proud of myself for figuring out how to start a blog and some of the maneuvering around it - but there is still I really don't understand about it all. Or there are just some kinks in my blogger that - causes an error every time I try to pull up the section to stop following blogs.

Anyway so everything is good now. I thankfully found the blogger that I had lost - even though I really don't understand the new way in which her blog is- it is really different.

So like I said I am sorry that I just unloaded my frustrations about it all yesterday.

I would like to take this opportunity to have a bit of an up dating post about some things around here.

First of all- how am I doing with my c-pap machine? Well it is actually going pretty good. Before I was using this machine - I would wake up several times a night- and actually I would usually get up to go pee at least 2-4 times a night. Now I usually only have to get up one time to pee. And if I get woke up before of my mask kind of pushing up on my nose - I just rearrange it and go back to sleep. I really think that I am sleeping better. I am still in the getting used to it all stage- as my Dr reminded me of on Friday. Oh by the way - if I didn't share - I ended up with a sinus infection. And I should be doing better soon. Still dealing with a bit of a headache but it is bearable which is good.

I have also shared with you all that I will be keeping track of how much money I spend on clothing this year - so I thought I would try to do an update with that each month. I meant to do this post on the 31st but didn't get to it- too busy playing with my granddaughter!

So for the month of January - I did not buy any clothing at all. I did buy a pair of tennis shoes - and I did write that down in a back section of my little booklet that I am keeping in my purse - but it is not going to be apart of the tally of how much I spend on clothing. And neither will undergarments- those I buy new and will be kept in the other section as well.

So I will be doing a post at least once a month on how much I am spending and what I am buying. I am curious to see what the results will be.

So one more up date- Remember I had shared about how I have a dream booklet - that I have been writing down what my goals and dreams are - and steps in order to achieve them? Well one of my dreams - actually one of my mine and my husband's dreams looks like it will be coming true in the next several weeks. We have be working on preparing for it and doing some of the leg work for it. But it will still be a couple of weeks till it totally comes true. I can not wait to tell you all about it. It is something awesome and has a lot of potential for sure. Be watching for that post for sure!!

I do hope you all are doing well. I better close. I still have a list of things I need to get done today! Hope it's a productive day! :O)


  1. No need for apologies, I understand the frustration.
    I can't wait to find out what you two are up to, lol!

  2. Okay, trying again. My comment just disappeared. Lisa I was saying, I know how frustrating it is with the blog glitches going on and also with google friend connect that dropped so many or our followers. I hope you are able to find your favorites again to visit. I am finding it a challenge too.
    Sounds like you have some fun and exiting ideas going on.
    Thanks for sharing and also for stopping by and your kind comment. Have a blessed rest of the week and weekend. xo

  3. I'm excited for you to have one of your dreams coming true! I was inspired by your post about that a few months ago, and started my own hopes and dreams journal. I love how keeping track of my hopes helps me to actually accomplish some of them. Thanks again for the inspiration!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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