Wednesday, February 24, 2016

A Fulfillment of a Dream

I am SO very sorry it took me so long to get this post written. To be honest- I forgot about it. I need to do a better job written down my ideas for posts in a certain spot - so that I can go back to it for reference when I forget what I wanted to write about.
Anyway I said that I had a dream fulfilled recently that I wanted to share with you all.
So here it goes. We have a sunroom- it is not finished yet- there are some issues that we need to fix before we can finish the flooring and such. But ever since we built the sunroom onto our house - I have always had a vision in my mind of what I wanted in the sunroom. We had a large antique couch that we got from my husbands grandparents when they died, but it was not really comfortable for visiting or reading. We had it in the sunroom for a while but just a couple of weeks ago - we finally decided to get rid of it. I think that may have been the perfect step of faith - that I would find what I was looking for.
So a could of weeks ago I was on my way to town. And a weird thing happened. I had been by a favorite little thrift shop in that town just a few days before but I had a feeling that I needed to go check it out again. It is the thrift store that I had seen some vintage Fisher Price stuff in several months ago(when I did NOT have money to get the stuff). Anyway so I thought well maybe there might be some Fisher Price stuff there. Well I looked around the store and was headed back to the bathroom - retracing some steps that I had taken just a few minutes before when I noticed them:
The exact style of chairs that I had wanted for my sunroom!!!
The bonus - well the bonus was the fact that they matched a special end table that I had bought several years ago- in anticipation for this very set up in my sunroom!
I had known the style - I just did not know exactly what I wanted them to look like(the fabric) until I saw these and then I knew that the best things would be for my chairs to be neutral in color and these chairs worked perfectly!!! They are Ethan Allan chairs and the thrift store only wanted $45.00 a piece. I just could not pass them up. I bought them and later we picked them up! Oh I have a little story to share about that later. 
Anyway so while I was gone helping with the Women's Ministries weekend at our church- my husband got the chairs into our sunroom- so when I got home - I could see it all set up. The chairs will actually be on the opposite wall from where they are in this photo- but there is some stuff on the other side that he could not get moved out of the way yet. So he set up where he could. It was funny because these two cats - don't exactly get along but they both were so anxious to try out the new chairs that they were found each on a chair!
So in my sewing room there is a big empty place - because we moves some stuff into our other room - to make the other room our granddaughters room/play room. Well since this space is empty for the time being - I decided I wanted to have my new chairs in there for now. So we did. And I love it! When SweetPea saw it - she wanted them to stay in there - she like them so much!!
My kitty Stewie thinks they are his chairs- can you tell?

This was truly a blessing! I had been looking for chairs for my sunroom for a while. And each time I found some chairs - usually the people wanted more than $100. per chair. And we did not have that kind of money for chairs at this time. So when I was able to find these two - that matched so nicely with my end table for less than $100- I was thrilled! A true fulfillment of a dream I have had for quite some time!!!! I can't wait to share my next fulfillment with you all! I will- when it actually happens! :O)
By the way - I have jury duty today- if you would keep me in your prayers - I would really appreciate it! Thanks so much! :O)

1 comment:

Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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