Monday, February 15, 2016

A Recap of the Women's Ministries Weekend

This past week end our church had Women's Ministries week-end. What this means is that we get a female speaker to come and speak to our women. So for our service Sabbath morning- women - both young and old are the ones who do the different parts of our service. And then after potluck we have another short meeting. Then on Sunday we hold a special tea for the ladies of our church. This takes a lot of work. Sabbath evening, after sundown about 6 of us came together to work to set up for the tea. It took us about 3 1/2 hours to get a good portion of the work done. Then Sunday morning we met again to finish getting the fruit and veggies cut up and read along with the sandwiches. The ladies from our church began showing up at about 10:45am - we ended up with about 65 ladies who came to enjoy food, fellowship and a blessing from the presentation from our speaker. We give about 30minutes to an hour for everyone to eat and visit and then our program began. It was a good week end. But honestly it was a lot of work. This is the first year that I have been on the women's ministries team.

I wanted to explain what this week end was about before I began to share a bit of the blessing that I got from the week end. To be honest - I have been processing some of it ever since. And then this morning while making bread and listening to a sermon on the radio - I did not totally understand what God had wanted to teach me but I think that I now understand. And it has to do with the life of Peter. I have always really liked Peter and could understand him and his actions. I think I am a lot like Peter, at least in some ways. I am praying that God will give me the words in order to share what I learned with you all.

To begin I want to begin where our speak began and back ground to what I learned. The first talk was called "The Notebook" - speaking about the movie - have you seen it? It's about an older man who went to read to an older women everyday. And through the movie we learn that she had Alzheimer's and that she had written their love story when she found out that she had Alzheimer's. She had asked her husband to read it to her everyday to remind her of their love. We were then directed to the fact that we have a Notebook (the Bible) that is the love story between us and God! We also heard how very much God loves us and that He does not want any of us lost. The speaker explained how she has 3 children and that if she were to lose one of her children and someone was to say to her - "oh you have the other two you shouldn't be upset"- would be very upsetting to her. And so it is with God - He wants us ALL to be saved and it will be painful to Him if anyone is lost. It doesn't matter how many other children that He has that are saved - It will hurt His heart to lose any of His beloved children. What a blessing this sermon was.

Sabbath afternoon, after potluck, she had another talk. During this talk she talked about the marriage. This was the marriage between us and God. We, God's people are called the bride in the Bible. And the love that is between the bride and Groom. I missed a little bit of this presentation- but thankfully I was there for the part that really helped me. And that will actually be in another post because it is a bit off of the subject of the 3 talks that she did. Well not really but since I am going to dive into it a bit deeper, I think it is best that I present it separately. So I will try to get that typed up by tomorrow.

In the meantime, I would like to finish explaining the series. So Sunday - the talk was on the Honeymoon - and please excuse the fact that I don't have as much to say about this one because I was not able to give 100% of my attention to this talk because of helping with the tea.

But what I got out of it is that once we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior this is the marriage. Then it is time for the honeymoon. What is the number one important thing in relationships(marriage or not)? Communication. So it is important for us to continue in our relationship with Jesus. And once e are married we want to consummate our relationship - and this is when we allow the Holy Spirit in and allow Him to guide and direct us. I wish I had been able to really listen so I could have explained this part better.  I know she explained that after Jesus had resurrected from death- that He told the disciples that He was going away so that the Holy Spirit could come.

Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away:
 for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come to you;
 but if I depart, I will send him to you.
John 16:7
Be sure and come back by tomorrow when I begin to share with you about the lesson that I learned. And later this week I have a great healthy desert that is satisfying that I will be sharing with you all.
I also had one of my dreams fulfilled last week and I want to share about it. It is not the dream I already shared about that may be coming up - that one - we will have to wait a bit longer for so it will be at least 2 weeks or so before I can share about it. Anyway so for the most resent dream fulfillment - be sure and check in daily to see when I post about it.
See you then! :O)

1 comment:

Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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