I love it when this happens!
As you know this past week I spent time studying about our foundation and how to be an unshakable Christian. Well in my newsfeed today on Facebook - I noticed this great photo that goes right along with this very topic. Tony Evans is a great pastor that I listen to on the radio sometimes and I thought it was awesome that this would be posted right when I was thinking and talking about it. When this happens I know it was a God Thing! :O)
As you know this past week I spent time studying about our foundation and how to be an unshakable Christian. Well in my newsfeed today on Facebook - I noticed this great photo that goes right along with this very topic. Tony Evans is a great pastor that I listen to on the radio sometimes and I thought it was awesome that this would be posted right when I was thinking and talking about it. When this happens I know it was a God Thing! :O)

love this.