Monday, April 20, 2015

My AHA Moment

Yesterday I mentioned that I had an AHA moment this past week- well actually I have had several but there is one that I wanted to share with you this week. It is something that may not seem as much as an AHA moment to some of you - but to me- it really was.

As I was driving home from a meeting, I was listening to the radio and something was said about a suicide bomber- and it just hit me- I serve a God who sent His son Jesus Christ down to our sinful world to live a sinless life and to die for our sins, while many serve gods who expect them to sacrifice themselves. It is the ultimate counterfeit- that we could do anything to save ourselves. It is through the blood of the Lamb- Jesus Christ that we are saved.

Well there it is folks- my AHA moment. I love it when something so beautiful is brought into my understanding! If we will listen God will give us wisdom and understanding - but we have to ask for
it and we have to take the time to listen.
Oh about my MIL - I have not sure a lot yet - because we don't have any for sure answers yet. So as soon as we do know more - I will share. The only thing we know for sure is it is Lung Cancer we just don't know what stage it is.

I will be sharing some of the other things that I listed throughout the week - so be sure and check back by.

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